How to Help Your Aging Parent Get Proper Nutrition

How to Help Your Aging Parent Get Proper NutritionIt isn’t uncommon for a person to eat significantly less as they get older. Your aging parent may eat less because he/she is less active, which can lead to decreased appetite, or because he/she isn’t able to prepare food. However, even though your aging parent isn’t burning as many calories, she still needs to take in proper nutrition to maintain a healthy body weight and remain strong. How to Help Your Aging Parent Get Proper Nutrition
Malnutrition is common in seniors, which can affect their risk for diseases and their ability to fight disease. Some things caregivers can do to help aging parents maintain a healthy diet is collaborate with them on ways to get in the proper nutrients or ensure they have simple meals and snacks ready to go.

Read the entire article HERE for more detailed information.

This information provided courtesy of  Senior News By Kathy Macaraeg
